For Your Horses Tack, Equipment and Clothing |
by: Susan Perry |
As horse
owners, we spend a lot of money on “stuff” for our horses – tack
for riding, leg protection for work and injury care, coolers and
blankets for chilly weather. A little time spent caring for our
investments will pay off in safety, comfort and a long useful
The leather goods in your tack room also require care, similar to
the care your own skin needs. Leather, after all, is really just
processed animal hide. Dirt and sweat are leather’s enemies and
need to be removed, while a good soaking in the rain takes natural
oils out of the leather causing it to dry and crack.
General Leather Cleaning
For general cleaning, Murphy’s Liquid Oil Soap from your local
supermarket does a good job at removing grime and restoring
moisture. Just remember to use a sponge that is damp enough to get
the job done but not too wet. Rinse the sponge out after cleaning
every couple of pieces /sections of tack, squeeze out all the
water that you can, and then pour a little more Murphy’s on both
A daily wipe-over of your tack after every ride is best, but not
always practical with the busy schedules that we all have. Try to
shoot for a couple of days when it gets a little extra dirty (i.e.
a long sweaty cross-country ride). But please rinse the bit off
after every ride — courtesy to your horse.
At least once a week do a thorough “take apart” cleaning. This
enables you to remove accumulated dirt around the buckles and bit
attachments. It’s also the time that you “safety check” your tack
for excessive wear, cracks, loose stitching or any other signs of
weakness. If something looks unsafe, please do yourself and your
horse a favor and either send it out for repair (tack shop,
cobbler) or replace it. You don’t want to be out foxhunting,
galloping towards a big stone wall, and have a rein or stirrup
leather break.
If your tack or turnout halter does get soaked in the rain, hang
it up to dry for several hours. At this point, it needs a
conditioner to help restore suppleness to prevent cracking and to
be comfortable again for your horse. Horseman’s One-Step by
Absorbine is a great product for this job as it is a combination
cleaner and conditioner. Your sponge should be barely wet. Take
apart your tack and rub the One-Step in thoroughly. If a “quick
fix” is needed, you can wipe your tack down with Lexol.
You may have heard the myth that new tack should be dipped in hot
neatsfoot oil to soften it up and remove the white waxy stuff on
the surface. It’s a myth! HOT oil just weakens the fibers in the
leather and rots the stitching. The “wax” is just a natural
content of new leather and will gradually wear/wash away.
Metal pieces like spurs and stirrups can be washed with soap and
water. Polishing them will add a bit of sparkle to your show-ring
turnout. You can use a liquid like Noxon or the polish-impregnated
fiber wadding Nevr Dull.
Care of Leg Boots
Your horse’s protective leg boots need daily care in order for
them to stay comfortable for him. Leather galloping boots should
be cleaned as outlined above. The neoprene-and-velcro variety,
such as Woof boots, can be washed with regular soap and water and
then set in the sun to dry. Bell boots just require a quick rinse
to get the sand and mud off the inside so it doesn’t chafe the
Doing Horse Laundry
Keep a laundry basket in a convenient location in the barn for
dirty saddle pads, grooming towels and leg wraps. Plan on doing a
“barn laundry” load once a week. Fleece pads, cotton pads,
terrycloth towels, leg quilts, track bandages and polo wraps can
all go safely through your washer and dryer.
Some shipping boots can be safely laundered as well. If yours are
nylon/fleece/velcro and are of the small-medium variety, the
washer is fine. But if you have the sturdy, over – the – knee/hock
type with stiff plastic bottoms, it’s best to wash those by hand
with a hose out on your driveway.
Brush Washing
Brushes and grooming tools can use a periodic washing with
dishwashing liquid. Then dry in the sun. Any grooming equipment
that has been used on a sick horse or one with a skin problem
should be soaked overnight in bleach. Then wash and dry as above.
Buckets and Stable Equipment
Your horse’s water buckets (indoors and outdoors) should be
scrubbed out daily with a stiff-bristled brush before they are
refilled. Otherwise they gradually accumulate a slimy scum. Feed
tubs/buckets need a weekly scrubbing. I do mine on Monday mornings
to clean up the leftover bits of Sunday night’s bran mash. Stable
equipment such as shovels and muck tubs benefit from a
once-or-twice-a-month cleaning. If they are quite caked with
manure, soak for a while with soapy water (another use for
dishwashing liquid!).
Horse Clothing
The well-dressed horse has quite a wardrobe of clothing for all
types of weather. Indoor sheets and blankets should be brushed
clean of manure, hay and shavings before being removed. Similarly,
outdoor rugs need the mud and sand brushed off (use a brush with
stiff plastic bristles that you reserve for this chore only). Wet
rugs should be hung up or draped over saddle racks so that both
sides can dry overnight.
Your own washer and dryer will be able to handle cotton indoor
sheets and nylon turnout sheets. Just don’t run the dryer at your
bedtime—the buckles make a horrible noise! Heavier stable blankets
and turnout rugs will have to be sent out for professional
cleaning. A few “regular” dry cleaning stores will take horse
blankets and there are also horse laundry services (check tack
shop and feed store bulletin boards as well as local equine
In the early fall, BEFORE you need to use them, spread your clean
turnout blankets out on the driveway in the sun, spray them
thoroughly with aerosol silicone spray (sold as a water-repellant
treatment for work boots). Let dry for an hour. Then spray a
second coat, adding a bit extra to seams where leaks occur first.
This treatment won’t make your horse’s outdoor rug waterproof, but
it will make light moisture (drizzle, snow) bead up and run off
rather than soaking into the blanket.
How you care for coolers, anti-sweat sheets and quarter sheets
depends on what they are made of, not on what your horse wears
them for. Polarfleece items go in the washer and dryer. Cotton
should be washed in cold water and hung to dry. (I don’t know why
Irish knit stuff seems to shrink more than stable sheets.) Wool
must be washed in cold water and hung on the clothesline. Coolers
may take a couple of days to dry in your basement. Putting a wool
cooler in the dryer will turn it from thoroughbred size into pony
size in an hour.
Horses are tough on their clothes. Take a look at your horse the
next time he’s rolling in the pasture! All this flailing about can
get the surcingles to come unbuckled. Then your horse steps on the
dangling strap, tearing the blanket and possibly injuring himself.
I have found a handy, cheap way to prevent surcingles from coming
undone during sleeping or playtime — farm animal castration bands.
These are little (2/3 inch diameter) donuts of rubber used to slip
over the testicles of kids, lambs and calves to passively castrate
them as they grow. You can purchase them at farm supply stores (or
catalogs), usually for a few dollars for a package of 100. Stretch
one over the top of the T piece of your surcingle buckle and let
it rest around the neck of the T. If the T has an extra long neck,
put two bands around it. The castration bands enable you to still
do/undo the surcingle buckles in the usual manner but prevent them
from jiggling around so that they fall apart.
None of this equipment care takes much time if you build it all
into your daily routine. “Little and often” is the best way to
care for your horse’s tack, equipment and clothing so that it
stays safe and comfortable for a long time.

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Last Updated:
December 27, 2019 |